Four key digital transformation trends you must pay attention to right now

Last week ClickZ Intelligence held its webinar on The What, Why and How of Digital Transformation in association with Marketo . If you missed it, it’s now available on demand where you can listen to the high level overview from me, and actionable information from Marketo’s VP of demand generation Heidi Bullock and HeroK12’s head of marketing Bryan Lanadburu. As a taster, I’ve summarised just a few of the key points from the webinar for you to read below… The increasing speed of technological and consumer change creates a need for companies to act differently – or suffer the consequences Taking a view of the long term trend over the current century and the last, it is clear that digital technologies such as smartphones are just one of a number of changes that have emerged and reached mass market adoption with an increasing speed.

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Four key digital transformation trends you must pay attention to right now

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